Chapter 30
Who is at risk for outbreeding?
We now approach the heart of the matter, what makes it all worth knowing. 
Before considering the rather obvious question of who is at risk of problems from outbreeding, let us consider those at risk for inbreeding.  That would, of course, be people with few resources.  The iconic image would be a little village in sub-Saharan Africa.  Consider that they are isolated both passively because of endless jungle and actively because of a tendency in living memory of murdering any stranger that blunders by.  This assumes, counterfactually, that the young men do not hitchhike into some nearby city and hustle for a few coins. 
To “rescue” them from their “inbred affliction,” you might consider speaking from the heart and trying to encourage them to be more receptive.  On the other hand, you might take a more physical approach and just hand out bicycles, letting nature take its course.
I still have hanging in the garage a plain old American one speed heavyweight.  I went looking for a newer machine once and remarked that I liked the coaster brake better than those wimpy hand breaks with their unsightly cable.  The dealer said, “Coaster brakes don’t last.”  “Nay,” I said, “I rode the same bike for ten or fifteen years as a boy and took it on many long trips.  It lasted.”  “And every six months you took it apart, rinsed it in kerosine, repacked it with heavy oil and put it together again.”  “Well, of course.”  It was a small price to pay for the service the bike gave. 
Many years later, there was a short video of a man from a village much like the iconic one we imagined. The man had been saving for some months, and he had at last enough to buy a bicycle.  I swear it had a coaster brake.  He took his bike home and proposed to take something for the couple of miles to where he wanted it.  I might have thought, “Not a job for a bicycle.  Surely you have a little cart and the gristle to make it work.”  No, he tied his pack to the back of the bike.  Then members of his household brought out bundles, tied three or four to the machine and those who could not mount walked.  Ah, he was so proud of that bike.  But under such abuse I fear it did not last as long as when the next time to service the brakes came around.
But fear not for the little village.  They know their environment well enough to know where the nearest road or river is, and can catch a ride one way or another to a place to make a little money.  Such a transaction would do nothing to protect the village from any threat of inbreeding with the attendant dangers of low intelligence, criminality, insanity and other forms of infertility. 
Others at risk of inbreeding depression might once have included the royal families of Europe.  The last Habsburg king of Spain, Charles II, was ugly as Cinderella’s sisters and had some health problems, and there is a controversy – joyous people screaming obscenities at each other from my view – as to just how many of his problems were from inbreeding.  The logic seems to me to be, if you hate royalty, you’ll notice that they tend to marry other royalty and you’ll shout inbreeding while if you tolerate royalty you will shout, “Let’s see your proof,” which of course isn’t available.
I have already mentioned the Islamic criminally insane in Denmark, which my source attributes to inbreeding over many generations and also involves stupidity.
Since, as I have mentioned, the highly successful computer simulation of inbreeding depression as produced by epigenetic effects, follows exactly the same points in the program, and thus by extension exactly the same chemical events as outbreeding, it seems inescapable that outbreeding depression must produce exactly the same kinds of insanity, stupidity and criminality as inbreeding.  So, the burning question is who might be subject to outbreeding to the extent that these lamentable characteristics emerge.
Since humans, like mice, mate for status instead of attraction, the result is obvious.  It used to be said that there was a Chinese expression, “Who does the difficult thing? … He who can.”  Who choses pathological outbreeding?  He who can.  It is the pampered of the earth who go that way, the odious offspring of the rich.  Wealth or at least prestige highly correlates with parental prestige as describe at length in The Son Also Rises by Gregory Clark.  This is not a quirk of some particular culture but a rule of all humanity.  If you know the name of a celebrity, you can be pretty sure the parents were high status.
So, everybody who influences your life, bar close friends and relatives, is an insane, corrupt idiot unless proven not to be by independent criteria.  If you have a creepy feeling that the club that calls itself Black Lives Matter is actually a bunch of rich white kids who torch or provide cover for the torching of Black businesses and the murder of Black people, don’t be surprised.  If you have a similar nauseating suspicion that the club that calls itself the Republican Party is complicit in wholesale corruption of government officials through Political Action Committees, which – in contrast to real people – have no limit to the amount of money they can stuff into pockets, you should not be surprised either.
And of course, if you see hostility to each or either such view, you may well conclude that it is a single agenda.  This is a CONSPIRACY.  Oooh, so you cringe at the thought of being caught indulging in a conspiracy theory?  Well, what on the green, or rather brownish, earth did you expect?  Of course, a conspiracy of such enormity would conceal itself behind a poisoning of the phrase “conspiracy theory.”  AND whence come the numbers of capable people and the staggering amount of money to make it all happen?  They are the “elite,” the very ones most horribly twisted by outbreeding depression. 

Chapter 31

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